We aim to create welcoming and inclusive events for everybody, where community and sharing knowledge matters the most.

our team
I put the Awesome in Awesomeness. Hang on, I can do better than that!
Um, I put the Awe in Awesome! No, wait! let me try again!
Give me some-thing, and I'll make it an Awe-some thing! Eh?
Yes! Nailed it!
Founder of EventHandler, communities Manager, international conferences organizer and producer, public speaker, proud cat-mom, and knows how to use the oxford comma.
Founder of EventHandler, communities Manager, international conferences organizer and producer, public speaker, proud cat-mom, and knows how to use the oxford comma.
Founder of EventHandler, communities Manager, international conferences organizer and producer, public speaker, proud cat-mom, and knows how to use the oxford comma.

Assaph Neiger
Awesomeness Marketing Officer
I put the Awesome in Awesomeness. Hang on, I can do better than that!
Um, I put the Awe in Awesome! No, wait! let me try again!
Give me some-thing, and I'll make it an Awe-some thing! Eh?
Yes! Nailed it!

Nur Lee Harel
Chief Awesomeness Officer
Founder of EventHandler, communities Manager, international conferences organizer and producer, public speaker, proud cat-mom, and knows how to use the oxford comma.

Ellen Best
Producer of Awesomeness
*(a.k.a Mama De La Smalla) *
Producer by day, fabulous drag queen by night. Champion of short distance coffee drinking.

Office Floor Manager
I sit on the floor.

Some of our partners



We help companies define and reach their Developer Relations goals.
DevRel is a marketing strategy that centers around catering to the developer pool you are looking for as talent or as end users of your product.

We can show you how a well defined DevRel strategy can help your hiring process, marketing efforts and talent retention.
We can even help you hire and train your next DevRel specialist.